Days of Crimean Tatar culture took place in Turkey

Присяжнюк Владислава
14:23, 21 December
Days of Crimean Tatar culture took place in Turkey
Image source: Укрінформ

Days of Crimean Tatar culture took place in Turkey. The events took place over four days at the Crimean Tatar Society in Ankara, as well as at the Ankara Museum of Painting and Sculpture, and were aimed at getting acquainted with the culture, history and traditions of the Crimean Tatars.

This was reported by Ukrinform.

"We are pleased to welcome this year's Days of Crimean Tatar Culture to artists from the Crimea, Kyiv and Turkey. The program is rich and includes art performances, presentations, discussions, there will be a fair all day. This year's program also includes a concert, exhibition and presentation of the history and culture of Lithuanian Tatars, "said Mucremin Shahin, chairman of the Crimean Association, at the opening ceremony of the Days of Crimean Tatar Culture.

Mucremin Shahin also reminded that the new building of the Crimean Tatar Society was opened with the participation of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and leader of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Dzhemilev in August 2019.

The Ankara Museum of Painting and Sculpture hosted a joint event of the Embassies of Ukraine and Lithuania in Turkey, the Crimean Tatar Society in Ankara, dedicated to the Year of the Tatar Community in Lithuania and the Days of Crimean Tatar Culture.

“These days we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Turkey… Representatives of the Turkic peoples have always been and remain integral, integral parts of Ukrainian and Lithuanian society. Lithuanian Tatars are historically, culturally and religiously united with Crimea, where their sisters and brothers, Crimean Tatars, live. Ukraine is making every effort to protect the rights of Crimean Tatars and human rights in Crimea in general, "said Natalia Lopatina, Deputy Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Turkey.

Source: Ukrinform

She reminded that this year a law was passed recognizing the status of the Crimean Tatar people as indigenous to Ukraine.

Read also: Crimean platform: seven years of the peninsula without democracy

"It is gratifying to note that both Lithuania and Turkey co-founded this platform and co-authored a number of UN General Assembly resolutions that allow us to fight for the deoccupation of Crimea. There is no doubt that with such strong international solidarity, the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine will be liberated, the rights of our citizens will be restored, and the Crimean Tatar people and their culture will receive guarantees of safe and free development, "Natalia Lopatina said.

The diplomat also reminded that on December 16 this year the Crimean Tatar ornament "Ornek" and knowledge about it were included in the UNESCO World Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

Read also: UNESCO has included the Crimean Tatar ornament "Ornek" in the list of intangible cultural heritage. What is known

In a concert at the Ankara Museum of Painting and Sculpture, Crimean Tatar traditional art, including dance and vocal performances, featured children who were forced to leave the peninsula after Russia's temporary occupation of Crimea in 2014.

Source: Ukrinform

"2021 in Lithuania was declared the year of Lithuanian Tatars, their history and culture. At the end of the 14th century, hundreds of Tatar families settled in our country, during which time they took root and became part of society. I am glad that despite the pandemic, we have the opportunity to celebrate the year of the Lithuanian Tatars in Turkey, "said Lithuanian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Turkey Richardas Degutis.

An exhibition dedicated to the history and culture of the Tatars in Lithuania has opened at the Ankara Museum of Painting and Sculpture.

Source: Ukrinform

Representatives of the Crimean Tatar diaspora from different regions of Turkey and abroad joined the Days of Crimean Tatar Culture. The Days of Crimean Tatar Culture discussed topical issues of maintaining and developing Crimean Tatar culture, in particular during the temporary occupation of Crimea, traditional Crimean Tatar music, embroidery, oral folk art, folk crafts and more.

An amateur dance group of the Crimean Tatar Society in Ankara performed at the opening of the Days of Crimean Tatar Culture.

As well as amateur groups operating at the Ukrainian Union in Ankara: the dance group "Flowers of Ukraine" and the choir "Roksolana".

Source: Ukrinform

A Ukrainian stand was presented at the fair-exhibition.

Source: Ukrinform

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