Russia sends 46 warships to the Black and Azov Seas - CDS

Любезна Катерина
15:23, 23 February
Russia sends 46 warships to the Black and Azov Seas - CDS
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Russia has sent 46 warships from its various fleets to the Black and Azov Seas. There are also a large number of Russian forces in the Mediterranean, including seventeen warships from all four fleets of the Russian Federation, including two missile cruisers and another seven missile ships of various types, including two missile submarines.

The Centre for Defence Strategies reports.

Experts of the Centre believe that such actions on the UN Resolution are recognized as an act of aggression, but now there is no harsh reaction from Ukrainian partners and NATO. They point out that since the beginning of 2022, "there have been no ships from non-Black Sea countries in the Black Sea at all, given previous years".

The CDS assures that such an increase, which is currently carried out by the Russian Federation, has not been noted since the collapse of the USSR.

"It even provides for blocking the potential entry of the US multi-purpose aircraft carrier group in the Eastern Mediterranean", - the report says.

Moscow has concentrated Atlant-class cruisers and the latest Zircon hypersonic missile at the Black sea.

In the Russian concept of gaining dominance in the far sea area, these ships are called "aircraft carrier killers".

What is known

  • Russian artillery can be heard in the Genichesk community from occupied Crimea.
  • The occupiers, under the guise of exercises of naval forces, naval aviation, and units of the Black Sea Fleet, led by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov, blocked large parts of the Black and Azov Seas in February, leaving no passage for merchant ships. Thus, they actually set up an economic blockade of Ukrainian ports.
  • In total, over 140 warships and support vessels, 60 aircraft, a thousand units of military equipment, and about 10,000 troops are involved in these exercises.
  • According to the training plan, more than 30 ships of the Black Sea Fleet went to sea from occupied Sevastopol and Novorossiysk on February 12.
  • On February 10, six landing ships of the Russian Navy entered occupied Sevastopol.
  • For alleged exercises in the Black Sea, Russia is transferring three landing ships to occupied Crimea. On February 9, three large landing ships of the Baltic Fleet passed through the Bosphorus from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea. The ships are probably going to Sevastopol.
  • A group of twelve large landing ships will be formed in the Black Sea, which may take part in the new Russian invasion from the shores of the Black and Azov Seas.
  • The Navy reacted to Russia's blockade of the Black and Azov Seas.
  • Ukraine has joined international partners in coordinating actions in response to Russia's blockade of the Black and Azov Seas.

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