Over thirty ships of the Black Sea Fleet went to sea from occupied Sevastopol and Novorossiysk according to the training plan

Любезна Катерина
16:44, 12 February
Over thirty ships of the Black Sea Fleet went to sea from occupied Sevastopol and Novorossiysk according to the training plan
Image source: Міноборони РФ

The ships and units of the coastal troops of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation went to sea and to the training grounds for naval exercises scheduled to be held off the coast of the occupied Crimea.

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported about it.

As part of the training, warships, boats, and support vessels as part of ship groups left the permanent bases of Sevastopol and Novorossiysk and moved to designated areas.

According to the Ministry of Defense of the aggressor country, more than 30 warships are used to carry out tasks as part of diverse groups, naval strike groups, and landing ship detachments.

"Among them are frigates, patrol ships, small missile ships and missile boats, amphibious ships, small ships, as well as minesweepers", - the statement said.

The purpose of the training is the alleged "protection of the Crimean sea coast, bases of the Black Sea Fleet, as well as objects of the country's economic sector, maritime communications and areas of maritime economic activity from possible military threats of a hypothetical enemy."

"At different stages of training, naval units and units of the coastal troops, naval aviation will perform a complex of the missile, artillery, missile and bomb strikes on naval, coastal and air targets", - the statement said.

Read more: Blocking the Black Sea by Russia under the pretext of exercises could be dangerous for Ukraine - Ustimenko

What is known

  • The occupiers, under the guise of exercises of naval forces, naval aviation, and units of the Black Sea Fleet, led by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov, blocked large parts of the Black and Azov Seas in February, leaving no passage for merchant ships.
  • Thus, they actually set up an economic blockade of Ukrainian ports.
  • In total, over 140 warships and support vessels, 60 aircraft, a thousand units of military equipment, and about 10,000 troops are involved in these exercises.
  • On February 10, six landing ships of the Russian Navy entered occupied Sevastopol.
  • For alleged exercises in the Black Sea, Russia is transferring three landing ships to occupied Crimea. On February 9, three large landing ships of the Baltic Fleet passed through the Bosphorus from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea. The ships are probably going to Sevastopol.
  • A group of twelve large landing ships will be formed in the Black Sea, which may take part in the new Russian invasion from the shores of the Black and Azov Seas.
  • The Navy reacted to Russia's blockade of the Black and Azov Seas.
  • Ukraine has joined international partners in coordinating actions in response to Russia's blockade of the Black and Azov Seas.

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