Russian tanks drive through the settlements of occupied Crimea 

Любезна Катерина
15:16, 12 February
Russian tanks drive through the settlements of occupied Crimea 
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On the morning of February 12, about 60 units of Russian military equipment passed through the village of Bryanske in the Bakhchisaray district.

INzhir media wrote about it on Facebook.

"This morning in the Bakhchisaray district, about 60 units of military equipment, tanks, armoured personnel carriers with soldiers passed directly through the village of Bryansk", - the message said.

Military equipment passed near residential buildings destroying a country road. Later, Russian military equipment moved towards occupied Simferopol directly through agricultural fields.


Read also: Moscow has 48 hours: Ukraine requires Russia to explain military activity near the border

What is known

  • The US Global Hawk monitored Ukraine and the Black Sea.
  • The American company Maxar has taken new satellite images that show the growth of Russian troops near the borders of Ukraine, in temporarily occupied Crimea and Belarus.
  • On February 11, comprehensive training on anti-submarine defence and base sabotage took place at the Crimean Naval Base of the Russian Black Sea fleet.
  • On February 11, the occupiers in Crimea conducted exercises with the Bastion coastal missile systems.
  • On February 10, Russia issued several NOTES - alerts to aircraft crews, stating that several areas around occupied Crimea will be considered dangerous for flights on the night of February 14.
  • Ukraine has joined international partners in coordinating actions in response to Russia's blockade of the Black and Azov Seas.
  • On February 6, drone exercises took place in Crimea.

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