TV channel "K2" received a warning for the "Russian" Crimea 

Любезна Катерина
17:38, 13 January
TV channel
Image source: К2

The National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting, following the results of consideration of an unscheduled on-site inspection of K2 TV Channel LLC, issued a warning to the broadcaster due to the assertion in one of the programs that Crimea belongs to the Russian Federation.

The relevant decision was made at a meeting of the National Council.

"The reason was the spread in one of the programs of the claim that Crimea belongs to the Russian Federation, which is a propaganda of the aggressor country", - the statement said.

The inspection took place on November 1, 2021. It researched the broadcaster's television programmes on September 25. On that day, the TV channel broadcast a recording of the program "Dacha Response" produced in 2016 by the Russian company "Teletsekh". It stated that occupied Crimea was part of Russia.

The National Council drew attention to the fact that the issue of the alleged territorial belonging of Crimea to the Russian Federation is a matter of information security of Ukraine and its national interests in the information sphere. Therefore, the distribution of such content required increased attention from the company's management.

The issue of technical support for the formation of the program of the TV channel and its broadcasting software is entirely within the powers and responsibilities of the broadcaster.

But the staff of the TV channel did not provide proper editorial and technical control. According to the regulator, this is why it became possible to spread Russian propaganda on the territory of Ukraine, aimed at justifying the actions of the aggressor country and recognizing the legitimacy of the occupation of Ukrainian territories.

The National Council recognized K2's violation of the Law on Television and Radio Broadcasting and obliged the licensee to bring its activities in line with the law.

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