Eight fires broke out in Crimea on New Year's Eve

Любезна Катерина
14:10, 01 January
Eight fires broke out in Crimea on New Year's Eve
Image source: Pixabay

During New Year's Eve, eight fires broke out in occupied Crimea, and seventeen fires were recorded during the day.  On January 1, one person was killed in the fire in Sevastopol.

The occupation Minister of the Ministry of Emergencies of Crimea Sergey Sadakliev announced it.

"On the territory of the Republic, according to the Head-Office in the period from 00:00 to 06:00 a.m. on January 1, eight fires were extinguished", - the press service of the occupation department of the Ministry for Emergencies in Crimea said.

According to the occupation department of the Ministry of Emergencies of Sevastopol, in the Gagarinsky district of the city, on the territory of the garden society "Budivelnyk", on the morning of January 1, a private house caught fire, killing one person.

"A private one-storey house is on fire. According to preliminary information, the area of the fire is 40 square meters. One person died", - the statement said.

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