Putin will end the war with Ukraine if the United States and the European Union pressure him with tougher sanctions - Volker

Любезна Катерина
14:10, 28 December
Putin will end the war with Ukraine if the United States and the European Union pressure him with tougher sanctions - Volker
Image source: З відкритих джерел

An end to the war in eastern Ukraine is possible with increased pressure on Russia from the United States and the European Union.

Former US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Walker told this to Radio Svoboda.

According to the diplomat, everything on this issue depends on the position of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"He started the war - he can stop it. Why should he stop the war? I think if he feels more pressure from the United States and Europe in the form of sanctions, in the form of military aid to Ukraine, diplomatic pressure, public exposure of what Russia is doing in Ukraine. I think this could affect Putin's calculations and will be the incentive to end the war", - Volker said.

He stressed that Washington should not put pressure on Kyiv on the Donbas issue so as not to reward Russia for its aggression.

"The principle in the negotiations should remain - nothing will be discussed about Ukraine without Ukraine, we should consult with Ukraine on how Ukraine sees the settlement of the conflict and on this basis to negotiate with Russia", - the politician said.

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