I personally persuaded Poroshenko - but not the military operation in Donbass - Putin

Анастасія Діденко
13:09, 23 December
I personally persuaded Poroshenko - but not the military operation in Donbass - Putin
Image source: УНІАН

Russian President Vladimir Putin commented on the events leading up to the military conflict in eastern Ukraine.

He stated this at his own press conference.

According to the Russian leader, he personally asked former Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko to not launch a military operation in Donbas.

"Twice the Ukrainian authorities have tried to resolve the issue in Donbass. Although I personally persuaded Poroshenko - not a military operation! The result is the environment, the losses", - Putin said.

We are told "war, war, war." they are probably preparing for it", - the Russian president said.

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