The lawyer spoke about the cruel treatment of the Crimean resident Oleg Prikhodko by Russian jailers

Любезна Катерина
13:32, 20 October
The lawyer spoke about the cruel treatment of the Crimean resident Oleg Prikhodko by Russian jailers
Image source: Кримська солідарність

After being transferred from Novocherkassk to prison for especially dangerous criminals in the Vladimirsky region three months ago, Crimean activist Oleg Prikhodko is being ill-treated by Russian jailers.

Lawyer Sergei Legostov told about it to Crimean Solidarity. He also reported gross violations of the correctional institution.

According to the lawyer, he visited Oleg Prikhodko, who is serving a sentence on charges of “storing explosives and preparing a terrorist attack".

“The meeting with the defendant took place without respecting the confidentiality specified in the law. A representative of the institution was present at the meeting with a video camera, which recorded the conversation. Prikhodko was behind the glass, the connection was of poor quality, especially given that the convict has hearing problems. The conversation ended 25 minutes later because of a lunch break in prison,” the statement said.

​​The lawyer also pointed out that he was not allowed to hand over documents for signature to the client - this is a gross violation of rights.

It is about filing a cassation appeal against the verdict, the deadline for which expires in November. In addition, according to the lawyer, the transfer of the power of attorney to represent the interests of the ECtHR, consent to the disclosure of information constituting medical secrecy, personal data and Prikhodko's questioning about the conditions of detention were denied.

According to Legostov, his client said that for three months since his stay at the special penitentiary of Vladimir, he had not been given the necessary medication from relatives. He was also never examined by a prison doctor. A representative of the Russian Penitentiary Service (Federal Penitentiary Service) declined to answer the lawyer why such a situation had happened.

"This is an ill-treatment of a person who is completely at their mercy", - said the defender.

In addition, Oleg Prikhodko said that he had been in solitary confinement all this time.

“He has to spend the whole day on his feet because he is allowed to lie down only after lights out. Moreover, he has not received a single letter. His correspondence is also not sent to his relatives, although he writes letters every day", - said the defender.

According to him, the administration of the prison refuses to give the political prisoner his personal belongings. The lawyer said that he had already filed a complaint with the prosecutor's office in Vladimir about numerous violations of the law.

What is known

  • On October 9, 2019, the occupiers detained Oleg Prykhodko and left him in the FSB building for the whole night, after which they took him to his garage for a search, where, unexpectedly for him, they found an explosive.
  • Prikhodko was arrested and charged with preparation for a terrorist act and the illegal manufacture of explosives. Later, it was added to "illegal acquisition, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of explosives or explosives" and the planning of an explosion in the building of the Russian Consulate General in Lviv.
  • On March 3, at the Southern District Military Court in Rostov-on-Don, Judge Oleksiy Magomadov found Crimean political prisoner Oleg Prykhodko guilty of possession of an explosive and preparation for a terrorist attack and sentenced him to five years in a maximum-security prison with his first year in prison.