The second Bakhchisarai group, the Hizb ut-Tahrir case, has handed down sentences

Глянько Катерина
16:01, 16 September
The second Bakhchisarai group, the Hizb ut-Tahrir case, has handed down sentences
Image source: Ґрати

On 16 of September, the Southern District Military Court in Rostov-on-Don sentenced eight members of the second Bakhchisarai group in the Hizb ut-Tahrir case. All but one were sentenced to long terms of imprisonment. Ernes Ametov was found not guilty and the case was closed.

This was announced by the Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights Lyudmyla Denisova

The panel of judges found Ernes Ametov not guilty and released him in the courtroom, and sentenced others to prison terms in a maximum security colony:

  • The court sentenced Marlena Asanova to 19 years of strict regime
  • Memet Belyalov - 18 years and a year and a half of restriction
  • Timur Ibragimov is 17 years and a year and a half in prison

Their accusations are considered as organizers of the cell of the Islamic party (part 1 of article 205.5 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation).

  • Server Zekiryaev is 13 years old
  • Server Mustafayev - 14 years and a year of restriction
  • Seyran Saliyev is 16 years old with a one-year limit
  • Edem Smailov is 13 years old with a one-year limit

He accuses them of being members of Hizb ut-Tahrir (part 2 of the same article).

Restrictions include a ban on leaving the occupied Crimea, attendance at events and the obligation to be registered with the police, and will take effect after serving the sentence.

Belli olğanı

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